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Soul Astrology

Astrology of the soul, uncoding your soul's purpose and evolutionary path on earth incarnation

What is Soul Astrology?

The soul astrology I refer to here is Esoteric Astrology under Alice Bailey's teaching. It looks at our birth chart through the eyes of a bigger cosmos, focusing on your soul's journey instead of our human personality from a psychological view. The biggest difference between soul-centred astrology and normal astrology we know of, is that soul astrology considers Earth itself in the chart and our Earth's evolutionary path will also affect us as a soul being part of humanity. This type of astrology helps you discover your soul's purpose and essence in this incarnation, and where you are in your incarnational soul cycle. 

Why Soul Astrology?

When we learn our human personality well enough through the lens of traditional astrology, we will look for a deeper meaning beyond that. Soul astrology provides insights and your soul blueprint to understand your soul essence better so you will have a clear vision about what you came here for at this time on earth, and what part you are playing in the path of evolution of humanity. If you are on your spiritual path or just anyone who is not satisfied just look at your chart psychologically, then soul astrology is for you. 

What to expect?

Soul astrology looks at your chart through bigger systems and philosophical lenses, not a psychological one. It won't tell you your career, your partner or your kids. It will only tell where is your soul's goal in this lifetime, where your soul tribe is, where your karma is and how to reach your dharma. Our mundane life is still precious and valid, but you won't find any answer here if that's what you are looking for. Rise above and you will see things totally differently from a soul-centred astrology chart.

My offering 

My soul astrology consultation will include a one-hour consultation as well as a written report. 

Prior to the consultation, I will need you to provide your date of birth, time and location. Knowing the specific time is essential to get your chart done.

I will also need to ask for some basic info to help me clarify things in the chart during the consultation. The more you allow me to learn about your story, the more clear the symbolism will be. 

After we finish our consultation, I will finalise the report based on our consultation and you will get it within 1-2 weeks after our consultation.

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