What is Horary Astrology?
Horary astrology is an ancient branch of horoscopic astrology in which an astrologer attempts to answer a question by constructing a horoscope for the exact time at which the question was received and understood by the astrologer.The answer to the horary question might be a simple yes or no, but is generally more complex with insights into, for example, the motives of the questioners, the motives of others involved in the matter, and the options available to them.
Why Horary Astrology?
I guess the reason why I got hooked on it is because of its practicality.
My first horary chart was asking "Where is my lost cat will she be back?". The chart shows me her status, location and the timing when she gets back to me exactly in the chart. That's my awe moment for Horary.
Horary astrology not only helps you locate where your lost objects, but it's also a brilliant tool to help you navigate choices and decision-making. A chart will provide you with detailed info regarding your situation and show you the big picture of how the energy will unfold in the future. So you can see the situation more objectively through a higher perspective. I am a very indecisive person but i find this is a great tool to help me make the right decisions that work with the cosmos' energy.
I remember I had a situation where I got myself into a big argument with someone, the chart told me that I wasn't in a great status to confront the conflict and he would remove himself from the situation unexpectedly, that gave me a great picture of where I am at and how can I deal with the stressful situation. It was a great reminder for me to not charge my emotions in that scenario but to restore my energy and wait for things to resolve themselves. Even the date the guy removed himself was shown in the chart. That's when I truly believed the horary magic.
What to expect?
A brutal and honest answer that you can't lie about it.
So I always say to people if you want to ask a horary question, you need to be ready to hear all the answers, good or bad. If you ask a casual question or have dishonest intent, it will all show in the chart.
Horary provides you with a detailed drama script, that can show you where you are at and where you are heading. But you do have the free will to choose your action. Sometimes when the question is asked is too late or too early to change the outcome, it will show in the chart too.
The astrologer's fluency in this language determines the accuracy of the interpretation of the chart. The astrologer may get things wrong, but the chart won't lie.
So I guess this is the difference between Tarot and Horary. Tarot for me evokes the inner answer within, the horary is borrowing the god lens to see our tiny world with tangible evidence. Both are valid but they offer different aspects, the former provides emotional support and insight, and the latter gives you practical solutions.
What to ask?
A horary question should be a question that buring within you and you have the urge to know.
Be careful and try to avoid third party question, as it often can cause more confusion than clarity.
The more specific the better, open ended question in general doesn't fit horary's purpose.
There is a huge range of question you could ask, relatioships, career, legal matters, lost obejects, health and death etc.
There are some question examples as below:
Will i have a union with my ex partner?
Should i accept the job offer?
Will the surgery be successful?
Should i move to another city?